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LaserToF MALDI TOF range

lt2 plus maldi tof

LT2 Plus

The LT2 Plus is a compact and self contained benchtop MALDI instrument offering entry level  linear TOF performance.

It can be fitted with a touchscreen (pictured) for clinical use or a separate PC. As well as basic proteomic and polymer analysis, the LT2+ is the preferred (but not exclusive) SAI MALDI platform  to be used with our Bactoscreen software and database package for Bacterial and microbial identification.

Lt3 plus maldi tof
LT3 Plus

The LT3 Plus offers superior benchtop MALDI mass spectrometer performance by providing both linear and reflectron ToF detection.

The instrument was designed for the rapid and accurate analysis of a wide range of biomolecules and polymers. In reflectron mode, the LT3 Plus can offer  peptide detection limits  down to 1 fM.

The system also has an imaging option to provide spatially resolved chemical analysis where needed.

tt maldi tof
LaserToF  TT

The LaserToF TT (ToF-ToF) from SAI  is its flagship research MALDI. The TT offers a gigantic 3.8m flight path incorporating an ideal field reflectron of superior mass resolution for the most demanding proteomic applications.


With innovative and patented zoom lens optics to provide sensitivity in the aM range, the TT also offers PSD and a collision cell (CID)  to provide seamless MS-MS analysis for the ultimate mass spectral performance.  Imaging is included as standard in the TT package.

MALDI TOF Applications

PEG molecular mass distribution
Peptide mass fingerprinting

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Tel: +44 (0) 161 850 1231

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